About Me

Hello, I'm a Product Designer and a former Developer.

Keerti Hegde

Research • Design • Delight
My story

I'm a Pragmatic designer, with over eight years of industry experience.

My journey from software development to design has been a fulfilling quest to solve human problems holistically. With over eight years as a front-end developer, I transitioned into product design to leverage my technical background and passion for creating impactful user experiences.

As a software developer, I was always intrigued by the potential of technology to solve problems. However, I often questioned the usability and user experience of the products I built. These questions sparked a desire to transition into design, where I could influence not just functionality but also form and experience.
My design philosophy
revolves around a 360-degree approach to product development, including discovery, research, ideation, communication, design, user testing, documentation, handoff, launch, and analysis. I believe a product's success lies in a well-rounded process considering every lifecycle stage.

Outside work, I am a dedicated yoga practitioner and an avid traveler. Yoga and spiritual philosophy instill in me empathy and mindfulness, invaluable qualities in design. Traveling fuels my creativity and inspires me to design with a global mindset. It enriches my understanding of the world and the people in it. A few memories shared here.
Let's talk

Let's create a binge-worthy experience together.

Coffee and design chat? I'm in! Hit me up!!
Contact me