
MedConnect is an academic endeavor conceived from real-life challenges. With a dedicated team of four, we designed and rigorously user-tested this solution within a swift four-week timeframe. The inspiration stemmed from a close friend's ordeal—a fellow student in the USA who faced hurdles sharing her complete health history after an injury. Our approach was grounded in practicality and empathy, reflected in the use of industry-standard metrics such as the System Usability Scale (SUS) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) during user testing. The resounding endorsement, with an impressive 80% NPS value, underscored the genuine need for such a solution in the healthcare landscape.

For further insights into our journey and design details, explore our Pitch slides and Figma prototype. MedConnect epitomizes our commitment to addressing real-world problems through thoughtful design and user-centered solutions.

Explore our meticulously crafted design files in Figma, where MedConnect comes to life. Dive into the intricacies of our user interface and experience the seamless flow of interactions envisioned for this innovative healthcare solution. Every detail has been carefully considered to ensure a user-friendly and intuitive experience, reflecting our dedication to excellence in design and usability. Take a closer look to witness the future of health information sharing with MedConnect.